Dr.-Ing. Reza Darvishi Kamachali

Dr. Reza Darvishi Kamachali is a young research group leader working at ICAMS, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany. With the SPP1713 he stayed at the Korean Institute of Materials Science (KIMS), Changwon, South Korea. Visit period: 07.10.2015 – 17.10.2015. During his stay he was hosted by Dr. Chang-Seok Oh.

“The short visit in October 2015 was meant as an initiative for possible collaboration on the common topics of interest, i.e. precipitation and creep with a special focus on AL-Li model alloy as it is proposed in the M1 project (Darvishi Kamachali/ Skrotzki) within the SPP1713. The team of Dr. Oh and several other groups have shown great interest for collaborations with the solid-solid interface kinetic group in ICAMS. Due to their strong experimental backgrounds and abilities, KIMS has been seen as a potential collaborator for performing complementary experiments to examine the theoretical and simulation studies within M1 project. There were several activities and ideas which have developed during this visit.”


