
Elongated micro-structures in magneto-sensitive elastomers: a dipolar mean field model

D. Romeis, V. Toshchevikov, M. Saphiannikova,

Volume: 12. Pages: 9364--9376
DOI: 10.1039/C6SM01798C
Published: 2016

Based on a dipole model for the mutual magnetic interactions among the magnetizable micro-particles in magneto-sensitive elastomers we develop a mean field approach to describe the arrangement of these particles into elongated micro-structures. If these micro-structures are oriented parallel to an external magnetic field the present approach provides an efficient calculation of the behavior of such samples{,} which is a result of the interplay between micro-structure and shape effects. Accordingly{,} we are able to draw comprehensive phase diagrams for the resultant deformation and predict for very oblate samples a discontinuous shape change in the presence of a homogeneous external field.

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